caffeine princess ♬ lunchbox adventurer ❀ little rose
For whatever reason, Tristan had decided to attend the slumber party. The decision had been made partially due to his mother's persistent persuasion and partially due to his own love of astronomy. And Professor Roland. He was the only one that didn't seem to drive Tristan bonkers, but maybe it was just because of the subject.
In any case, he had arrived in his several-sizes-too-big snowman pajama pants and a white t-shirt. Not that you would know just from glancing at him. Tristan was indeed also wrapped in a fuzzy white blanket that dragged nearly a foot on the floor. He'd be sure to wash it later. "Good evening Professor," the boy said quietly upon passing. Even liking the Professor, Tristan was obliged to follow rule one- avoiding people kept his stomach out of knots and his hands from shaking. His anxiety would always be anxiety.
... Oohh, tea!