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They were going to...practice spells on each other?!
Lewis' face fell a little at that announcement - though, he probably should have expected it, this was DADA after all. Well, at least it was only the Disarming Spell for now. There wasn't a lot that could go wrong there. Well, there was but nothing that could be dangerous or something. At least he hoped not. And he wouldn't have to work with some inexperienced first year so maybe he was safe for now.
The only problem was finding another student his age. He had met a couple of them or at least seen them around but finding them now seemed to be a little difficult. Not wanting to shout across the room, he reached into his bag and pulled out a blank piece of parchment on which he wrote Fifth Year. There, that should do.
Getting up off his mat, Lewis held his 'sign' over his head and waited for somebody to approach him. Hopefully that would happen soon so he could take down that parchment again.
When the professor instructed the students to search for a same-year partner, Eino stood up and looked around the room. Almost immediately he noticed a boy that was about as tall as he, so he approached him. As Eino tapped the boy on his shoulder he realized this was the mime boy, the one he had met by the armors on the third floor.
"H-hello." Eino said suspiciously. Chances were the boy was going to said the same exact thing, stutter and everything. This would be a bad thing for practice... If they both used the same offensive spell and no defensive spell? Yeah, not good.