SPOILER!!: Romanos
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As the answers started, at least three-fourths of them was what she'd been expecting them to say. Sight and sound as she had heard, were the most important to them. Though the few that mentioned touch caught her attention, and the ones that stated all were important had Medea smiling a bit more. At least there was some thinking out of the box going on.
"So most of you think that sight and sound are the most important, as vell as taste being the least important." she said, letting her foot lay back down on the ground. Done with the stretching. "There is no right or wrong answer. You're all entitled to your opinions. They are all important in their own vays, even taste, though I believe it's safe to assume that most people vould be rather unbalanced if they lost their sense of sight during a duel. While sound has it's privileges and certainly comes in handy, one doesn't rely as heavily on the sense of sound than they do vith sight. However, when you take sight away, your sense of sound becomes your right hand man. Learning to take advantage of it and using it to it's full potential is a whole other story though, and vice versa."
"Today ve'll be working on those two senses, but first, who can tell me vot spell is your greatest asset in a duel?"
Oakey put his foot down and
stretched his arm into the air to answer this question.
Professor, I believe that Protego is our greatest asset in a duel. He put his arm down and continued wit his reason.
Not only will it protect you from your opponents spells but it will also deflect that spell back at them. Making Protego both an defensive and if used properly an offensive spell.