Hey Heather, it's good reading more of your ff. Things are moving right along and I like the way you incorporate the days events into Ella's life away from Hogwarts and her friends. I like how she has become attached to the villagers and defends them to her friends. Why was Harry being so rude to her? And Ron had sent such a sweet letter to her but he was worse than Harry;
“ Just because Snape is your dad, doesn’t mean your head has to be up his ….” Hermione hit Ron in the chest before he could finish.
I know they have it rough at school and all, especially Harry, but I would think they'd be too happy to be with her to let that interfere with their friendship. And it's not like Ella's life is a bed of roses either. And why does Ella not think the DA classes are a good thing? Does she really think it puts the education of the other students at risk like she said?
And one other question, I thought Harry and Ella had feelings for each other. why don't they act like it any more. They're barely sociable at best. And why is Draco calling on her so often. I don't trust him, and I think he is spying for Umbridge.
Now that I got that off my mind I will say this, I'm very pleased how Ella is able to handle herself with that James guy from the Ministry and the Daily Profit. I would be avoiding him at all cost.
He's just creepy!
Great chapters Heather, I hope to be reading more soon.