♥Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often♥
Angela sure was glad that she wasn't late. Seeing that others had taken their seats, Angie too went and picked a seat for herself and sat down. The round table certainly seemed good. So here begins my first meeting.. she thought to herself.
Then she wondered, why the department head hadn't yet arrived.. Angie hadn't had the chance to introduce herself to Gina as of yet. But it looked like the meeting was about to begin and led by Gavin. That was fine too..
So now they had to introduce themselves. And wow! Gavin certainly had an impressive resume! Well, and it was her turn now. Merlins! What can I say about myself? she thought to herself. But, not wanting to appear nervous, Angie stood up with a smile and began her introduction. "I'm Angela Dawson, a Wizarding British Immigration Officer here on Level 5.." what else could she add? "Well, this is my first job, and so I don't have much hands-on experience. But I'm eager to learn for sure!" Should she list her academic qualifications too? But then she thought otherwise, and so she just concluded, "So, um.. thats all, I think!" Unless someone had some questions for her. So, she sat down and waited for others to introduce themselves.