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Angela walked into the conference room, feeling excited as well as nervous, both at the same time. She had read the notice board, it was something regarding assisting to uncover some fake ring alongwith Gavin and Katrina. It seemed definitely intriguing and interesting!
When she entered the room, some others had already come. She greeted them all, "Hey Gavin, Elizabeth, Nicole.. Um.. Hi the rest of you. Hope I'm not much late, am I?" she asked smiling at all. This was her first meeting in her new job, and she was eager to see how it all went.
"Good morning Angela" nodding at her as she entered smiling warmly. "No not at all, you're right on time.
Originally Posted by
Dartanian Leroy was only here for one reason, and one reason only. He was here because whatever this meeting was it involved France, which meant it was important, as Dart thought anything to do with Framce was. With he's shoulders up high he walked into the office proud of he's French-ness. There were quite a few people there, but he wasn't let he was never late. Him being late was an impossiblity, as if he ever arrived somewhere late, he'd just say that the other people came early.
"Ehh..'ello." What was this guys name again? Dart didn't exactly remember. "Ehh..Zir." he said finally adressing the man by something. He noticed that there was a seat next to the man that was empty. He eyed it feeling special again. It was for him wasn't it...at least he thought it was. These British people had probably only now realised how important he was. Meh good because he thought he was important after all. "Ehh..zat seet iz for eh me right?" he asked before he took the seat. He was sure it was, but just to make sure he had asked.
He was really starting to worry about Katrina. They'd gone out the night before and she'd not said anything about not being in this morning. Was she sick? Had she not got a note from Gina or his note he'd left? He was considering going and checking himself when Dart walked in.
"Hello..." He still didn't know the man's name, and he knew it wasn't
king. "You can call me Gavin." No sirs, for him, it made him very nervous. And that wasn't a good thing with him nervous as he was already! Wait did he just ask to sit in Gina's chair??? He tried to keep his face neutral, though it irked him just a little. The man was new and wouldn't know who's chair it was. He did regret not saving the seat on the other side of him for Katrina now though... Quietly so only Dart could hear him he said
"It's Gina's chair." but didn't say anything else. If he didn't switch seats and Gina arrived she'd say something possibly.
He didn't want to ask them to wait longer at the moment because that'd just make everyone restless, but he really didn't want to start without Katrina, she was helping lead this! An idea popped into his head right then "Let's start, if anyone else joins us we can fill them in. As a team we need to be able to talk freely with each other and know each one another somewhat."
His eyes wandering around the room to everyone that was seated there, meeting each of their eyes. Remaining standing he nudged his chair back a little so he had more room. "I'd like to go around the room and have each of you introduce yourselves and tell us a little about you." Smiling a little though he did show a little worry in his eyes still about Katrina "I'm Gavin Higareda, an undercover buyer here in level 5. I worked for the DP for about 13 years in San Fransisco, before coming to the ministry here. I started as a division head for 2 years, in the department of Mysteries before coming to level 5, about 3 years ago."
He thought better of standing and pulled his chair back again before taking a seat. He'd rather not talk down to his team.