Ella walked over to the observatory after picking up the nocturnal from outside Professor Roslund's office. She decided on the nocturnal first as she figured it might be a little hard to figure out the time of night. She set it down gently, grabbing her back with a sigh of relief. It wasn't exactly light and she was happy to have it out of her arms. She then took her notebook out of her messenger bag, reading the homework that had been assigned to the class.
See if you can work out the time of day with the aid of your instruments not watches
Ella looked down at her grandfather's watch that she always wore and carefully removed it, placing it in her pocket.
Alright, now on to the nocturnal... She looked up at the sky with wide eyes. It was a starry night and the sky was clear. Ella was happy about that as she'd need to pick a reference star if she wanted to tell what time it is. She looked for the most visible star in the sky and used that as her reference.
Alright, now what? Ella looked down at her notes, checking what she would need to do next.