Text Cut: Lafay
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The students were doing well. Good.
Alright, take the ginger root and grate it directly over the cauldron. Then let simmer for about 5 minutes." She demonstrated, and then summoned reishi the mushroom showing it to the class.
This red, heart shaped mushroom is called a reishi mushroom. It is nicknamed the mushroom of immortality because of its healing properties. Some muggles think it cures cancer, diabetes, liver problems... It depends on how it's used. Thinly slice all the mushrooms and add them to the cauldron. Take your wand and wave it over the cauldron with a fast strinking oblique motion and cast the spell." She said and once she was finished diffindoing them and adding them she performed the wand movement and cast "
Violet watched as the teacher demonstrated the last few steps to making the potion. She was so concentrated on making everything perfect that she hadn't realized it was almost the end of class. When the professor brought the mysterious ingredient out called the reishi mushroom, Violet thought it seemed vaguely familiar after her vacation to Korea with her parents. Slicing up 17 mushrooms was going to be a lot of work.
Violet got back up from her chair and took her grater off the table. She made sure to Scourgify it first and carefully grated the ginger over her cauldron. How was she going to keep time for 5 minutes though? She knew her muggle watch wasn't going to work at Hogwarts. Violet panicked again. Hold on! She had the small pocket watch from her grandfather! Violet quickly took it out of her bag and placed it on the table checking to see approximately what time she placed the grated roots in.
Violet then went to retrieve 17 of the reishi mushrooms. She scourgified her knife once more and started to slice them as quickly as she can. How were the other people in her class doing it so fast? It's probably a spell they use that I haven't learned yet. After finishing to slice them, Violet checked her pocket watch to see that there was still 30 seconds until the potion was ready. She scourgified her knife once more and added the roots to the cauldron.
Before doing the actual spell, Violet practiced the wand movements with no incantation before she said clearly.
"Sanum!" and did the fast strinking oblique motion over her cauldron. She held her breath, too scared to anticipate what this spell was going to do to her potion.