Looking up again when Professor Lafay continued with her demonstration, Kurumi checked on her papaya. She wasn't entirely sure what all she should be looking for, but nothing looked like it was about to explode or bubble over...so that was a good sign, right?
Kurumi picked up her ginger root and grater and, after casting Scourgify on it, began grating it over her cauldron. Now she needed to wait for five minutes while it simmered...might as well begin cutting up her mushrooms. All seventeen of them. That was A LOT of mushrooms. She had seen this particular one in magazines and her grandmother had often sought it for her own herbal remedies, but it had been far too expensive to afford. Yet...here they were with seventeen EACH. Kurumi looked up, raising an eyebrow in the Potions Mistress' direction as she remembered a certain incident with a certain Slytherin prefect back in her first year where he refused to brew a potion due to the use of phoenix tears. Kurumi bit on her lower lip nervously before taking her clean blade and slicing up one of the mushrooms. She wasn't as brave as he was to speak up...even with Professor Lafay's good mood.
Some Gryffindor she was.
Upon slicing all of her mushrooms, Kurumi checked her time and counted down until five minutes had passed and then added the mushrooms to her cauldron. What her grandmother would give for even one slice of them...
Picking up her wand next, Kurumi mimicked Professor Lafay's wand movement, "