Prof and a bit of Kurumi! ❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Well..wasn't that just too good to hear? He was really thinking about doing what Kurumi had suggested, what's more, she would be able to help in the preparation. Smiling, she nodded. "Well..we are." said Beezus when the Gryffindor Prefect said that she was looking forward to the said activity. And as Kurumi made her goodbyes, she also returned the nod. When she was out of sight, Beezus faced Professor Roslund. "Uhm Professor, just one more thing." Which was the sole reason why she headed to where he was in the first place. "About those objects that you showed us earlier, will we be using those sometime around?" She covered her mouth as she yawned, just that one last question.
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