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"Sorry," he apologized when he saw her flinch. Maybe his compliment was a bit over the top. Kennedy's eyes briefly looked up. He had curly hair, but didn't wish to have straight hair, but then that was because his mom has curly hair and...the man that is half responsible for creating him has straight hair. But, he knew what Kurumi meant by that. Merlin knows he's always wished to have things that he couldn't.
Before he came up with another question to ask, Kurumi said something that hit home. His head snapped up, locking eyes. He's said that same line for years. Ever since he found out about magic. How strange was the world? For almost six years all he wanted to be was normal and not the freak his muggle classmates used to call him. A freak that he believed himself to be.
He let out a soft chuckle that held no amusement in it. "You don't now how familiar I am with that statement," he said. "Back home I'm known as the 'freak'." He made air quotes at the word freak. He didn't know why he was telling her this. Maybe to comfort her? Or, because he'd never met anyone with the same fear as him?
Kurumi's eyes widened again and for a brief moment her usual violet eyes flashed another color, but it was so quick that it may have gone unnoticed. Her abilities sometimes manifested themselves in this way. Brief glimpses of them and then they were gone.
Wait...YOU are known as that too?" she asked slightly gawking at him.
Well, that wasn't the only thing that she had been called, but there really was no need to go into all that right? Of course. What mattered right now was that they had this small little connection. Something that brought them both to a mutual understanding without words. It was...refreshing. Very refreshing. "
In my hometown...my family is the only one of mixed blood...I mean...not pure Japanese. My brothers and I were always bullied because of it so...when I found out I was a witch...but that I was still different, well...I think you can fill the rest in for yourself." Kurumi really hadn't gone into great detail, simply brushing over the surface of the truth. Professor Magnus had suggested that it was her insecurity that probably caused her inability to control it...and the Gryffindor was starting to believe that now.