SPOILER!!: Daichi & Beezus
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Daichi knew they tried not to make him angry or uncomfortable. But, he just didn't like talking about it. "So.. you two and Beezus can't see the creatures that means i'm ...not normal?" okaay, he had said that wrong. "I mean, since i saw...and you didn't...uhm..." he started to bite on his lower lip as he looked back at the edge of the forest.
This was exactly the reason why he ALWAYS avoided talking to people who asked about his past. He would either turn around and walk away or smile and pretend he hadn't heard anything. The last one would be the best one to do now. Daichi sighed deeply as he smiled brightly at Hades and Jezz. Showing them not to worry about him.
This pretendence was surely going to get the best of him one day...
Looking back at the Thestral and Unicorn , both had something interresting to them. Especially since they were both black... he had never seen a black unicorn before...oh wait, he had NEVER seen a unicorn before.
Another shouting voice made him jump again and as he turned to look who it was. He gasped a little seeing the badge on her clothes. Prefect... oh boy, this wasn't the first time he had to encounter a prefect. First that Gryffindor boy at the Duck pond, then Kurumi and now.... her. What was her name again?
"Uh, we were just... watching..and uhm..." dang- UNICORN? O_____o what the?
Daichi just stared at the Prefect and her...clearly, short attention span. "It's a Unicorn , yes cool right"? he asked. "I still think the Duckies at the pond are cuter though..." he mumbled and looked at the pygmy puff on top of her head. "There's also a Tristol..or something like that"
aww man, why did he say that?!
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Too much to be absorbed. Beezus just stood there open-mouthed and wide-eyed as her eyes finally caught sight of a creature. Was Daichi talking about the same thing? The black horse? But why didn't he say it was a unicorn? Because yes, that one was a unicorn. "Daichi..I think that's.." but all she was about to say was caught hanging when another student joined them. And they were talking about a thestral.
'THESTRAL? THESTRAL? What was a thestral?'
And a few minutes after, there arrived Hades, saying that it was indeed a thestral. Just what in Godric Gryffindor's sword are they all talking about? That wasn't a thestral. It was a unicorn!
However, judging from how they were talking. It seemed like there were actually two creatures which aside from the unicorn, the other one she can't see. "I don't see it!" Finally..another statement from her after just listening to the others converse.
She needed an answer from any of them. WHAT. WAS. A. THESTRAL?!
Just then, that Jezz said that the ones who see it are those who saw death. Why can't she see it then? Her father and sister are dead. "I can't see the thestral!" Beezus frustratedly admitted once more. "Why can't I? My dad and sister is dead!" Now she said it. Dazed and confused, she wiped her hands on her face.
That's when another student arrived and.. O_______O It was a Prefect! Oh! They were so in trouble. Yet, it seemed like she wasn't there to scold them for she too seemed to be fascinated by the black uni---Waiiiiit! Hold it?! "The unicorn's black! Is a unicorn supposed to be black?" she asked no one in particular.
Selena blinked at the boy in confusion, finger still pointed at the unicorn. He was confusing her with his slow talk. She wondered if she ever sounded like that. Selena raised her hand from the pointing position to use it to pet the purple pygmy puff on her head.
She nodded her head. Yes.
Very cool. Like... epicawesomemazing cool. She also heard the boy's muttered comment.
"Psssst... pygmy puffs are cooler than ducks," Selena whispered to him in a hushed voice before ANOTHER look of confusion crossed her face. What in cruppy's name was a Tristol? Selena looked around, not stopping on her pygmy puff petting as she turned around... and around, looking for another creature.
"What's a Tristol?" Selena asked.
Because she had absolutely no idea.
Just like how she couldn't remember why she was in here. Actually...
She did.
"HEEEEYYYY!! We're not supposed toooo beeee heeeereeeeee," Selena said in a sing song voice as she picked Kent up from her head, hugging him and starting to bounce up and down again, using one hand to point towards the LIGHTER side. Also known as the side where they were SUPPOSED to be.
"Forbidden Forest is called FORBIIIIDDDDEEEEEN for a reason!" Selena added. Though she DID want to get closer to the unicorn... and ride it. She wondered if it ran really fast.
And there was the question about it being black. Did Selena have any idea?! Psht. Of course...