Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch
"Are you all right Lily?" Professor Roslund asked worriedly as he stepped over to the Ravenclaw girl. It had been hard not to see and hear how she banged her head on her telescope. He’d escort her to the hospital wing if necessary or get one of the students to help out.
Beaming at Vickers Professor Roslund said "I’m glad you had a blast Vickers." He glanced over at Lily for a moment before addressing Vickers again "Vickers could you do me a favour and see to that Lily gets back to the common room safely?" The older students should help the younger.
Eep... the professor noticed... Lily thought as the professor asked if she was all right. "
I'm ok, Professor...*major blush* I...I just need to be more careful next time." Lily quickly nodded, before continuing on.
Originally Posted by
Vickers turned round quickly just as he saw the young Claw packing her things, still rubbing the sore spot on her head "Will do, Professor." the Eagle boy nodded before calling out a last "Goodnight Sir"
Vickers moved towards the direction of the younger Claw and just caught up with her "Hey there" he said, gingerly placing a hand on her shoulder "Are you ok? Professor Roslund wants to make sure you're alright.... sounds like you hit your head pretty hard there." he said angling his head at the telescopes they just put away "Do you need any help getting back to our common room? Or would you rather see the Healer for that bump?" he offered to his fellow Claw.
Oh great...now he's asked an older boy to help me to the common room. Lily thought before looking at the claw and replying, "
I'm alright... thanks." Lily blushed because she didn't want to seem like she was the one that always got hurt. "
I'll be fine walking back. Thank you though." Lily replied, smiling before quickly making sure she had all her stuff together. Nodding at the claw in thanks, Lily headed toward the door of the class. "
Thanks, Professor. and I should be alright getting back to my common room. Have a good night." Lily bit farewell to the professor, stole a brief look back at the claw, and headed on her way back to the common room for some sleep.