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She stared as the Groundskeeper picked the puppy up and propped it close to him. Gaaaah, such a sweet gesture. The two of them looked very happy with each other. How she wished her cat Davinci was also like that. Merlin, that cat was just snobbish towards her and now she can't find it anywhere. Stupid cat.
She frowned a bit when Mr. Murdoch told her about a wand incident. "Three days?!" She couldn't help but burst out, wide-eyed and open mouthed. Surely not Biscuit? Not a cute little thing like it. But then again, Beezus was always deceived by cute things. The same happened with Panda right? She thought he was harmless but the owl pecked her finger when she tried feeding it. Yeah, not everything that shines is gold indeed. Then after a few seconds, she realized that she must be looking funny with her eyes and mouth all opened.
Ahemmm.. She tried to regain her composure. "Errr--sorry if you have to see me like that Sir," Pretty embarrassing, that one is.
Yet her astounded face hasn't been suppressed for too long because there was another thing that the Groundskeeper said that made her eyes open like a crystal ball again. "Reaaaaaally? The giraffe would allow that?" She asked when he said that the topiary giraffe would let them sit on it. Hey, hey! That was awesome! And another revelation! Beezus blinked. TWICE. "Water? water?" Her face scrunched up into a small frown. "But they're plants."
Waylon couldn't help but chuckle at Beezus' reaction.
Did she not think little Biscuit was capable of burying a wand? Sure, it was his own fault his wand was missing for
three days, but if it wasn't for the puppy, he would have never had to look for it in the first place! And then forget to look for it. If only those Remembrall's told him what it was he was forgetting. It would make things so much easier.
"Don't worry about it." he waved a hand dismissively as he moved passed her and took a seat on one of the benches. He was standing for too long and.. these benches were not comfortable at all.
He should probably get new ones.
"Besides, I would have made that same face." An
adult, because Waylon was an adult, losing their wand for three days all because of a puppy? Yes, his face would have still looked like that.
Oh, and there was that face again. Chuckling once more, Waylon leaned forward, and placing Biscuit onto the ground, he watched as the puppy scampered on into his hut. Well, goodbye to you, too, Biscuit.
"I think all of them will, really." He didn't see anyone try to ride the other topiary, but it was still early in the year. As for the topiary not liking water.. well, it was most likely due to his charmwork not being the best, but he wasn't going to say that.
"Animal instincts.." Yeah, that sounded good.
"They are charmed to act like the animals, and not many animals like water." Oh gosh, that did not sound good.