Text Cut: Adam
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Team ronmione
Adam was horrible at lying an making cover up stories. His arms fell limply to his sides when he heard the sarcasm emit out of Ellie's mouth. Grimacing a bit at her quick knowledge of his lie he said, "I have to tell you the truth..." Adam said leaning in a bit. Oh, the suspense. "I'm no couch whisperer or couch scout or anything..I was just..standing her." Awkwardness again. Honestly, if this guy were any more awkward, he might as well be the police of awkward city.
"Maybe I wouldn't be hiding in the corner...But I am the one that sits an watches an laughs at everyone dancing." He admitted with a low chuckle. Adam's stomach tightened as he prepared the worst response from Ellie from what he was about to say. "I was...hiding..From...you." He looked up timidly at her.
Oh, he was going to tell her the truth now? Good. Ellie raised an eyebrow and leaned her head in a little just like he had. Because apparently this was top secret or something. Or maybe Adam was just still being weird, which was entirely possible... He wasn't a couch whisperer.
"I gathered that..." Ellie whispered, waiting for the
real answer to her question.
And she just ignored the part about laughing at people dancing because she was still waiting
impatiently. Wait... he was hiding. From her? Ellie's eyebrows furrowed in a look of confusion.
"Me?" She frowned a little bit.
"Why? Did I... do something?" Now Ellie was worried about all this.
Text Cut: Nessie
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Naww, Ellie was being to sweet now, but that was how Nessie felt about most people that gave compliments. "I think people only came for the food." mumbled Nessie more to herself than Ellie. She herself couldn't believe how many people had come and she really didn't expect it, she expected maybe five people to arrive, but there seemed to be way, way more than that.
"Soo..um how you and Dallin?" It may have been a little rude to ask, but Nessie wanted to make sure that Adam hadn't done anything bad enough to destroy Dallin and Ellie yet.
People only came for the food.?! Pfft.
"What? No, I came for you!" Ellie said, trying to cheer the girl up.
"The food is just a bonus." Ellie winked and laughed a little bit. She did like food. But this party was all about Nessie, not the food.
Nessie's question about her and Dallin kinda caught her off guard though. Not that it was bad, Ellie just didn't expect her to ask. But whatever.
"Oh, we're good. Everything's fine." Ellie grinned and nodded. She knew Nessie had sort of been worried about them and Adam's feeling toward Ellie, but nothing had happened. JUST like she said nothing would happen but no one would believe her...