TADA! Thestral has a friend over in the
Forbidden Forest
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For a long time the black Unicorn watched the thestral in silence from behind a thick of tress. Then with the cautious grace of a deer it stepped into the open and trotted towards the threstral...not too fast but not too slow. It's deep black mane tossing like waves, it's slender, spiraled horn flashing against the sky.The Unicorns deep, wise eyes glanced around cautiously as it moved interested in what the thestral was doing.
When the Unicorn was within a few yards of the creature, it flared it's nostrils and with a shake of its head whinnied at the thestral as if saying hello.
The Unicorn could sense the children in the distance. It turned its head slightly towards the noise of their high pitched voices while pawing the soft dirt under its hoof.