Take a look at the table, Badgers, and BE PROUD. You are top and shining like a little beacon of yellow and black. We are less than 100 points clear of those Eagles, but if we all pull together then there is no reason we can't keep that lead and even extend it.
Our top five Golden Badgers have changed ever so slightly again this week, so a huge congratulations to the following:
Bazinga - 204
FireboltAvis88 - 196
jujune29th - 179
TakemetotheBurrow - 157
Squishy ♥ - 142
Remember though, we can't win with just these five alone. We need ALL Hufflepuffs to work together. Feeling overwhelmed? Try spending just 15-20 minutes a day toward completing some of the homework assignments. Take advantage of the
Hufflepuff Study Tables this term and motivate each other. Or motivate each other by sharing what it means to YOUR Character to
Be A Hufflepuff.
Lets keep going and show everyone what these Badgers are made of!