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'Has anyone heard why he left? Is he alright? Has anyone seen him? Where was he the last time anyone saw him? Why would he do this?' These thoughts kept racing around Violet's head as she was nervously pacing around the only place that she could ponder on these thoughts, the library. It wasn't long before she found herself by the Stained Glass Windows and Violet's violet eyes were glued to the floor as she was continuing to think about one of many who she holds very dear to her heart: Christopher James. Now although she and Christopher weren't exactly on comfortable speaking terms and she knew that Christopher would never want to be with her ever again, she still cared about him so much and she knew nothing could change that. Which was why when she found out that Christopher was gone she immediately began trying to find out why he left and didn't tell anyone.
But as you could clearly see by the way she was nervously pacing and twirling her brown hair, Violet still didn't know about his whereabouts. She then made her way over to one of the plush chairs nearby and sank into it. Violet then adjusted her cardigan and then took a deep breath trying to calm herself down at least a little. It wasn't working, it wasn't long before Violet began to think the worst about what might have happened to Christopher. And it wasn't until one thought came across her mind that Violet could feel her eyes begin to fill up with tears just at the thought. She desperately tried to stop thinking about it but one thought ended up leading to another and then another.
If anyone could see her they would see tears streaming down her cheeks and Violet was desperately trying to fight them back, but she could not. Violet wished she could speak to him or wished that he would have said something to her if something was bothering him, like he used to. But ever since last year she felt as if he could never be around her. Violet just wished that that assignment was never assigned and that they never said the awful things they had said to one another. She wished she could just take it all back. As tears continued to stream down her face Violet opened her clutch and reached into it pulling out a little cloth to wipe some of her tears away. Adam was making his rounds in corridors making sure things seemed perfectly in place. Nothing looked like chaos was ensuing so he continued walking onward an turned a corner. Peeking his head Adam saw that everything looked normal in that corridor, but to be sure that there weren't trouble makers hiding in classrooms he patrolled the corridor.
What was that? Sniffling. He turned his head an saw a girl sitting on a bench. Whatever it meant an whoever she was, the girl either was sick or didn't sound so great at the moment.
Umm..Are you alright?" He asked the girl standing a few feet away from her. Maybe she wanted to distance herself an clean herself up if she were crying.Adam didn't want to intrude.