Whoa! Professor Lafay seemed a little fast for Ira.. There were so many ingredients. Ira listened carefully and noted down in points in her parchment, which she could later on put in her fair journal. Then once she had listed down everything that had been said, she first decided to update her journal:
Okay, so first clean the mortar and pestle. So Ira did that. Now, two dock leaves. Got it.. Ira took them and put them into the mortar to crush them. Crush.. crush.. There, they were crushed. Now what?
She saw her notes and read that Ashwinder egg was needed. But where to get it? Then she remembered, to go to the refrigerated section and take one. So she went there and took the egg. She broke the egg into her mortar and proceeded to crush it. Then she quickly added the 4 sprigs of fluxweed into it. Then taking the mortar into her hands, she tipped it lightly and poured the entire mixture into her cauldron. Then she waited for further instructions.