Originally Posted by
Devina Wellheart
Justin chuckled as she told him she change the girl's hai color. then he sat patientlly as she applied the last two bandages. When she was finished he took the make upp from her and put some of it on her left arm to create a cut and another on her head and her left index finger. " Alright, Love.....What happened to you ? Ya got a story as to how you got these cuts, Min? " he joked. Then he took his wand out and practiced the spell for the bandage to come out. " Inurio Bani " Nothing happened....So he tried again " Inurio Bani! " again nothing.... " Inurio Bani! " Finally the bandage flew oyt and onto Minnie's lap.
Minerva smiled. "Well Justin I was in the library and this book just jumped out from the shelf and smacked me in my face making me trip and as I fell to the floor I hit the shelf and got all these scraps." she smiled at her own story. It sounded real enough for anyone who knew her at least.