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Harvey watched the game as he watched how they played the game.. if he was expected to play he might as well learn the game first.. he then looked at Minnie.. he smiled as she watched the game.. she was very interested in it.. and it looked like she was determined to play.. "Well Mins.. if you do decide to play this game.. then it will be alot of work involved.. but I am sure you will be able to handle everything.. we that is me and the other two will be with you all the way.. supporting you in everything you do." he said smiling at her as he gave her a nod.. he then resumed watching the game..
Minerva smiled did he notice her anxiety start is that why he said that she wondered. "I know I can handle it" she lied. "It's just finding a good time management with everything." She frowned as she felt the anxiety come back a bit. She looked back at the game, "So do you think your going to play or is playing both Quidditch, Gobstones, and classes to much for you?"
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Ella smiled at Minnie. She was very encouraging and made Ella feel much better. "Yeah, I might as well give it a go!" Ella said with a nod of her head. She had told herself when she arrived at Hogwarts she would be open to different experiences. Well, gobstones was different so why not?
Ella smiled at Oakey. He sure was into this match. "Alright then, let the cheering begin." She stood up, arms raised in fists and began chanting too. "SLYTH-ER-IN! GRYF-FIN-DOR! SLYTH-ER-IN! GRYF-FIN-DOR! SLYTH-ER-IN! GRYF-FIN-DOR!"
Minerva smiled at Ella she really liked her. She reminded her of herself last term. "Well Ella if you ever need any help just like classes you can ask me. I would love to help in anyway."
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Logan had nothing really to do today, until he found out about the match. He was very curious about what'd it be like, he hadn't been to a gobstones match. Yet.
He walked down to the match and found an empty bench to sit at. He smiled and sat down, looking around for any familiar faces.
"Hey Logan, how are you?" Minerva said as she saw Logan sitting alone.