Deciding that the topiary garden had been enough for now - mainly because she was getting distracted by all the cute animals - Kurumi returned her attention to the duck pond. Speaking of ducks...she needed to start working on those sweaters for them seeing as winter was coming up soon. This weekend for sure. She would try to find Daichi and get that started.
AHA! There was another balloon, a red one too! Go go Gryffindor! Surely, the lioness' Gryffindor pride was helping her find all these.
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A duck pond???
This definitely wasn't here last year! After adjusting the strap slung over his shoulder, Paulie marched over to the cluster of rocks at the edge of the pond. Ducks were a cool animal, he had concluded. They were kinda weird.. they made nasally noises and walked real weird when they were out of the water, but those were the things that made them funny! And likable, in Paulie's case. Hence, it was no surprise that a second later the sixth year dropped his bag to the ground and dug around in it, searching. Voila! Here it was: a fresh blueberry muffin that he had snagged from the Great Hall this morning at breakfast. He took a bite off the top for himself - because muffin tops were the best part - then crumbled off a few bits and tossed them in the water for the duckies. 
the duck pond, post #95
The duck pond was being very kind to her, perhaps she should stay here...