"One more..." she muttered as she continued looking for balloons. Duck Pond? Noooo..Pathways? .....none... Topiary Garden? Nope..Corridor to the Courtyard? Still, no..
Beezus was about to move away and rest her eyes again when near the corridor she saw something. It was a balloon! But it wasn't at the Corridor, but instead it was on the Courtyard!
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Beezus has just rested quite a bit after her and Eino had managed to took hold of the Hufflepuff flag. Gotta say that having their own blue flag would've been better though. However, it doesn't really matter. What's important was that they had a flag in their possession now.
She looked around for any sign of intruders. Usually, those badgers go in groups and since they have captured Minerva then maybe they'll be others too. Good thing she looked around for she saw someone with a yellow robe attempting to free their captive.
"Well..hello there! Expelliarmus!" she uttered with a swish of wand.

"Come to think of it, I think that's were our base on the Capture a Flag activity in Charms was located." Beezus said as she jotted the five locations of her five spotted balloons on the parchment. Yep, the Ravenclaw did have the Courtyard as their territory. She sure did have so much fun that time.