Kurumi looked up when Professor Lafay spoke and a gave them the next set of instructions. Making sure that her station was still clean, Kurumi picked up the vials containing the salamander blood and the valerian root in each hand. Now...which one had Professor Lafay dropped in first? Did it matter? Kurumi glanced at her parchment again. Well...valerian root was listed first...so...take a gander and put that one in first?
Kurumi tipped her right hand forward and allowed one drop of valerian root in and then tipped the vial in her left hand containing the salamander blood. right hand...left hand...right hand...left hand... Once all ten drops of each were in, Kurumi set the vials down and returned to her parchment for a moment.
Slightly nervous that she had put the proper thing in first, Kurumi raised her hand to ask a question. "
Professor Lafay, does it matter which of the two are added first?" Perhaps the chemical reaction or something within the components would change or something.