SPOILER!!: Professor Bentley
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Was she invisible? She was sitting RIGHT THERE!.. within earshot.
"Well Miss Potter, while I will not stop supporting Ravenclaw, they are BOTH my teams now and I will support both of them equally. As for when they play each other, well I haven't gotten that far yet, but either way I can't lose."
That was probably the most optimistic way of looking at it. If Ravenclaw won, then she would console her Lions if the Lions won then she would console the Ravenclaws, but she would celebrate both of the Houses. Because each House was worth celebrating in their own right.
"I will always be loyal to Ravenclaw, just as I am now loyal to Gryffindor. Nobody said I had to make a choice to favour one over the other." Though she did want her Lions to win, and they would.. in time, they just had some work to do internally before they could achieve that.
Alyssa quickly apologized to her Herbology Professor,"
Ooops!! Sorry Professor. I didn't mean any insult in what I just said to Oakey. I honestly didn't even know that what I was saying could be heard by you. But ever since I heard that you were the Gryffindor's Head of House, I've often wondered about that. So thanks for setting that me straight on that matter. Oh I didn't doubt that you would support the house you're Head of. I was just wondering how you were going to cheer for both at the same time. May I join you the next time Gryffindor plays Ravenclaw? Maybe I can help cheer for both of them too."Alyssa asked.
Wow! Professor Bentley really has got great hearing.' Alyssa thought to herself. 'It's a good thing I didn't say anything bad about her.'
SPOILER!!: Oakey
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Really, Bentley was a Ravenclaw...she didn't seem crazy like all the other Ravenclaws Oakey had met up to this point. How can a former Ravenclaw become a Gryffindor Head of House anyways? Eh, it didn't matter what was in the past was in the past.
Ha-Had Alyssa overheard his conversation with Nate? Oakey took a break from the cheering for some time and sat quietly trying to figure out a way to lie or drop the subject on Harvey banning Oakey from playing Quidditch. After some time and thought. Oakey finally spoke up, Harvey, I mean my Foster Father was horribly hurt a few years ago at some Quidditch tryouts. He didn't want me to get hurt so he told me no Quidditch. That's how it is really. that was the truth. Hopefully Alyssa wouldn't realize that the accident and him being banned were years apart.
Want some help cheering for your Gryffies? He politely asked Professor Bentley. But keep in mind I still need to cheer for the Snakes He grinned and continued speaking It's hard to choose who to cheer for when your house isn't the one playing.
Oh I see. I guess that's understandable. I had a friend, Simon, who's Dad forbade him to play Quidditch too because it was dangerous for him. But back then Simon was a Prince and heir to the throne, so that's to be expected."Alyssa told Oakey.
But what exactly happened last summer, Oakey? Somehow I don't think that not being allowed to play has anything to do with why you told Nessie that you were in the States, when somehow I suspect you actually weren't. Really Oakey, you can trust me. I promise not to tell anyone, and I think that you might actually feel better if someone else knew your secret."Alyssa whispered to him, not relenting a bit. She knew that something was bothering Oakey and although she knew that it was really none of her business, she really did want to help her friend.
But if you don't want to tell me, then I'll stop asking you. I know that you've only just known me for a couple of months, so it's understandable if you don't trust me."Alyssa told
Then she realized what Oakey said about supporting Slytherin."
Oi! why do you say that you have to support Slytherin? Are you going to support them instead of me....I mean us...when Hufflepuff plays against us?"Alyssa asked him surprised at what she was hearing.