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Ella turned her attention away from the game and watched as her fellow Hufflepuff tried to redeem himself to Professor Bentley. She burst into laughter and then, with a nervous look at Professor Bentley, covered her mouth with her hand and began to fake cough. She wasn't trying to be rude but her housemate was quite hysterical. She turned her attention back to the game, trying to wipe the smile off her face.
What's so funny? He asked Ella, weren't they done laughing at the fact that it was a ton of Hufflepuffs at the Gryffindor/Slytherin game?
SPOILER!!: Alyssa
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"Professor Bentley is truly a sports enthusiast and is very proud of her house too. She was at every game that Ravenclaw played last year. I wonder how, she feels being Head of Gryffindor? I mean she must feel conflicted. I wonder what is she going to do when Ravenclaw plays Gryffindor in both Gobstones and Quidditch. She can't exactly cheer for Ravenclaw but at the same time it must be hard to change affliations overnight either." Alyssa asked Oakey.
"Yeah all the other Heads are cool too. Professor Hadley always turns up for our games even though I know that she really isn't as interested in the game or even knows what the rules of the game is. But she's always there and it makes us want to win more."
"So why did your Dad ban you from playing Quidditch this year?"Alyssa asked him. "I heard that you're a pretty decent player. What really did happen last summer, Oakey? You can trust me. I won't tell anyone." Alyssa leaned over to whisper into his ear.
Really, Bentley was a Ravenclaw...she didn't seem crazy like all the other Ravenclaws Oakey had met up to this point. How can a former Ravenclaw become a Gryffindor Head of House anyways? Eh, it didn't matter what was in the past was in the past.
Ha-Had Alyssa overheard his conversation with Nate? Oakey took a break from the cheering for some time and sat quietly trying to figure out a way to lie or drop the subject on Harvey banning Oakey from playing Quidditch. After some time and thought. Oakey finally spoke up,
Harvey, I mean my Foster Father was horribly hurt a few years ago at some Quidditch tryouts. He didn't want me to get hurt so he told me no Quidditch. That's how it is really. that was the truth. Hopefully Alyssa wouldn't realize that the accident and him being banned were years apart.
SPOILER!!: Bentley
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Huh? subjects? ...
"What one teaches should not have any bearing on how good a Head of House they are dear... they are two completely different matters." And why was the boy... scared? She wan't about to bite his head off, she had merely warned him that though she didn't care what he thought--because everyone was entitled to their own opinion, other's might not see things in the same way.
I-That-Wasn-I-Mean. Oakey stumbled on his words trying to correct himself. He didn't mean to say that what each of the Head's taught was what helped him pick favorites.
Sorry Professor, I didn't mean to upset you. was all he got out.
Want some help cheering for your Gryffies? He politely asked Professor Bentley.
But keep in mind I still need to cheer for the Snakes He grinned and continued speaking
It's hard to choose who to cheer for when your house isn't the one playing.