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"I know what you mean," Tayla grinned. The telescope confused her, too, sometimes. She continued to gaze at the stars with her naked eyes. Tayla looked back at the star chart a few times.
"I hope we'll be able to spot it..." she mumbled to Sophie.
A few minutes later, Tayla took out a book from her bag and browsed quickly through it. "I should have checked this earlier. It might help..."
Finding what she was looking for, she closed the book and again looked up at the sky. "It says in my book that a double star called Albireo - not sure if I pronounced it right - is at the swan's head."
Tayla took her telescope and looked through it. "It appears to be a single star when viewed through the naked eye. But under the telescope, we'll see it as a double star - one yellow and one blue."
Tayla tried looking for Albireo, alternating between staring at the sky and using the telescope. With all the stars in the sky, she didn't know how she would find it, but she tried anyway.
"What do you like about stars, Sophie?" Tayla asked suddenly, still looking for the double star.
Sophie watched as Tayla browsed through the book she had just gotten out of her bag.
"Double star? This sounds lovely!" she thought to herself, smiling and looking up at the sky again. She couldn't wait to see this double star!
"Do you think it'll be easier for us to find this swan if we used Little Dipper as a starting point?" Maybe the chart showed something about the distance between these two constellations? Or a book? It sounded simpler looking for it that way, instead of just staring at the sky.
"I hope we can find this double star!" She actually wanted to see this double star more than the swan constellation!
Going back to her telescope, Sophie looked through it. She wasn't exactly trying to find the double star, because she thought that would be really difficult, especially since she didn't know how to work with the telescope too well yet. Instead, she just moved it around slowly, observing all of the beautiful stars.
Suddenly, Sophie heard Tayla asking what she liked about stars. She smiled.
"They are really pretty and shiny! It seems like they're always so happy and celebrating!" She replied, still looking through the telescope. Sophie loved happiness and loved everything that seemed happy all the time.
"What about you?"
Sophie then started alternating the way she was looking at the stars. Like Tayla, she would sometimes glance at the sky without her telescope, and some other times she would go back to looking through it.