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Old 01-26-2012, 07:07 PM   #204 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Aaah, another three points. That was pure fantastic. Louisa's smile broadened and any trace of being crossed with Roslun had vanished. This class was even more entertaining than the ones from last term. Hehe.

Taking notes of what the professor was saying, careful to spell all the Astronomy nerdy talk right too, Louisa put down her quill and pushed it to the side. Hearing the instructions of their stargazing for the night- or should she say balloongazing? Because apparently they had to spot balloons scattered around in the grounds.

With an amused look out at the grounds, the girl absolutely saw nothing yet. Once the professor ushered them to start on their telescopes, the girl pulled the telescope closer and directed it toward the right sight. Putting her eyes on the lens she worked delicately with her hands to adjust the lens. After few tries, she fixed it at the best view and started looking.

From the pathways, over to the Topiary garden.. nothing her telescope captured yet. She slowed down her motion and from far away something was floating with a tail wiggling in the wind. Her hands played with her telescope to focus more on the thing and determine what kind of 'floating thing' was. "Bingo." She murmured before scribbling down her first spot.

Text Cut: Balloon spot #1
Originally Posted by EW_FAN View Post

Harvey smiled and for a brief moment he stopped smiling before he resumed his smile again. "Turn that frown upside down... no frowning in front of me is allowed.. hmm.. maybe I should make that a rule for everyone" he said to her chuckling.

The Corridor To The Courtyard, Page 3, post #50

Last edited by Magical Soul; 01-26-2012 at 07:14 PM.
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