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Old 01-26-2012, 06:29 PM   #203 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Students
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Raising her hand, and slightly getting off her chair to get a better look at the new instrument, "That's a nocturnal instrument, right sir? The tool people used to use to determine time depending on a star's position in the sky." Theoretical knowledge over here, she had no idea how to use it practically.
“Very good Louisa. 3 points to Ravenclaw. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by Katergirl View Post
"Excuse me Professor, but i am in Slytherin not Hufflepuff..." Angelina said, about the Professor giving three points for the correct answer to her but to the wrong house.
Raising her hand to answer the next question Angelina called out, "That object there Professor is a noctural insterment. It is use to determine th time potion of a star in te sky."
*facepalm* Embarrassed Professor Roslund said “Of course you are a Slytherin Angelina. I’m sorry.” Noting that on a separate parchment he continued “Very good, 3 points to Slytherin. It is a nocturnal instrument.”
Originally Posted by SilverDragon View Post
She raised her hand. "Um, it looks sort of like a clock or another type of sundial. So I'm guessing it's also used to tell time, maybe when a sundial won't work like at night?"
“Very good Silvia. This object is also used to tell time. It’s called an Nocturnal. 2 points.” He replied.
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
Justin looked at the object the professor was referring to . After a moment of thought he raised his hand and spoke. " Proffessor, that is a nocturnal device that was used to figure the position of the stars in the sky to determine direction."
“Very good Justin. This object is used to tell time. It’s called a Nocturnal instrument. 3 points.” He said.
Originally Posted by CJP View Post
olivia examined the next object, yes she has seen this one before; but she couldnt remember what it was called. The other students were mostly getting it right so far. Raising her hand, she answered "That device tells the time at night, but it has to be aligned with certain stars such as the North Star. Its kind of like a compass".
“Good Olivia it is similar to a compass. 2 points.” He nooded.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Alyssa studied the object before raising her hand and answering,"Professor, that instrument is called an Nocturnal Instrument and it is used to tell time by using the position of certain stars in the sky as a point of reference. I think sailors and fishermen still sometimes use that."
“Very good Alyssa sailors and fisherman can still use the nocturnal instrument but it is like the sundial not as efficient as modern devices. 3 points.” Professor Roslund said.
Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
Taylor smiled and raised her hand, "Professor, that is a noctural instrument. It is used to tell time at night based on a certain star's position. The big and little dipper stars are usually what people try to go by when using it."
“Good, good Taylor. 3 points. People can use the big dipper and little to stay on course at night on the seas.” Edvard responded.
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ View Post
Amelia raised her hand immediately after she saw the instrument they had to identify next. "That's a nocturnal instrument. It works like a sun dial, but instead of using the sun to tell time, it uses the position of certain stars in the sky at night time." She had never used one before, and she was rather interested in trying it out. Though, she hadn't had the best experience with a sun dial when she attempted using it once.
“Very good Amelia. 3 points. Unlike the sundial a nocturnal can be used at night since it relies on the position of stars, but on a cloudy night it can be just as unreliable.” Professor Roslund explained.
Originally Posted by tomewitch View Post
Hmm.. How can a sundial be used in the ongoing modernization? Putting her hands together, she answered, "Well Professor, first and foremost we all know that it helps us determine the time based on the position of the Sun. However nowadays, especially in the Muggle world, more advanced instruments are available for the same use such as watches," she held her watch in front of her, "and clocks. Although this may give us the time, it does not tell us what the time really is in a certain time of the day. I mean, if the watch wasn't set beforehand and there isn't any device around that would tell you the time then you still won't know the time. Also, sundials could help us determine the day of the year." Did that answer the question? She hoped so.
Then a new object. What was it?
Beezus thought for a moment. She had seen that instrument on her grandmother's backyard. "I believe that's a nocturnal instrument Professor," she said after raising her hand. "And in contrast to the sundial, it's used to determine time based on the position of a certain star in the sky.
Professor Roslund smiled “Good Beatrice. A sundial can used in modernization as you exemplify. A modern watch can state the date and day but that’s only on advanced ones. Most watches just give the time. An extra 2 points for you and another 3 points for knowing that I’m holding a nocturnal instrument.”
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
Hannah looked at the instument to professor was referring to and a couple of things went through her mind. She wasn't sure if she knew the technical term, but she decided to give it a go anyways. With her hand raised she said "Professor I think that is a Nocturnal instrument and it tells time with the help of certain stars." She wasn't sure if nocturnal was the right word for it, but she was sure that the professor would know what she was talking about at any rate.
“Very good Louisa. 3 points to Ravenclaw. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.

Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Daichi looked at the object the professor held in the air. He had never seen it before nor did it look familiar. Still, he wanted to try give an answer instead of just quietly sitting down so he raised his arm high in the air. It looked like "A compass with a ruler?" O_o
Edvard smiled “Yes it does look like a compass with a ruler doesn’t it? The device is called a Nocturnal. 2 points.”
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella wasn't too sure what this new object was. Since they were on the subject of telling time, she chanced a guess. "Professor, could that object have been another instrument used to tell time back before modern technology?" It was quite similar to the sundial after all.
“You are on the right track Ella. 2 points. It is used to tell time but with help of the stars not the sun.” Edvard responded.
Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
Gideon listened as students gave their opinion on the usefulness or unnecessarity of the sundial by modern day wizards. He chose not to comment seeing as his might be seen as a jaded view given his family background. Instead he waited until Professor Roslund set it aside and showed the class a new instrument and asked them if they knew what it was. "That would be a Nocturnal, Professor," he answered after raising his hand once more. "Its a nighttime version of a sundial and used to tell time by measuring the northern stars circular journey around the Pole Star."
“Good Gideon, the nocturnal is a nighttime version of the sundial. 3 points.” He replied.
Originally Posted by KP1 View Post
Ryan smiled and wrote it down on parchment.He looked up and thought of what it could be.''Professor thats a Nocturnal version of the Sundial so it could be used at night.''He paused then continuing''It's portable instrument used to tell time by the apparent revolution of the stars on the celestial sphere.''He finished.
“Very good Ryan. The instrument is indeed a nocturnal instrument, since it’s portable and much easier to use unlike a sundial. 3 points.” Edvard nodded.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Nodding as Professor Roslund made some more points and responded to each student's answer, Kurumi tried to keep up with note taking. When he held up the next item, Kurumi leaned forward on her desk a bit to get a closer look at all the detailing on it. "Professor, I believe another name for that is a horologium nocturnum, which means time instrument for night, and is closely related to a sundial. The primary difference, as the name implies, is that this particular instrument is used at night and uses the stars' apparent rotation around the Pole Star, which we more commonly call the North Star."
“Good Kurumi 3 points. The latin name for the instrument is indeed horologium nocturnum.”
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
"That's a Nocturnal," she pointed out, her hand raised. "It serves a similar purpose as the sundial, but this one is mainly used at night. The Nocturnal tells the time based on the position of a star in the sky, not the position of the Sun like the sundial." She studied the layout of the instrument, trying to remember what she'd heard about it. "During the night, all the stars usually turn around the North Star, and depending on where they are in their rotation, the Nocturnal can give you the time of day."
"Oh, and it's also mainly used for navigational reasons, like telling the time for calculating the tides," she added.
“Very good Sierra. 3 points. The nocturnal is used mainly for navigational purposes at night and calculating tides which can be tricky.” He agreed.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva looked at the object for awhile. She wasn't sure if she was right or not putting up her hand "Professor is it a nocturnal instrument to tell time at night."
“Very good Minerva. 3 points to Hufflepuff. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.

Originally Posted by Bubbles View Post
Kennedy sat up straighter as if that would help him answer the next question. He's never in his life seen such interesting thing. It looked like a compass, but he wasn't quite sure. He slowly raised his hand and said, "It resembles a mathematical compass with a round protractor attached to it," he said. "Those are muggle instruments," he murmured.
“Yes Kennedy you are very close it’s a nocturnal used to tell the time at night and both of the instruments I’ve shown you tonight are invented by muggles. 2 points.” Professor Roslund replied.
Originally Posted by alchemist_18 View Post
"That is a nocturnal instrument, Professor. It is an instrument used to determine the time based on the position of a certain star in the night sky. Sometimes called a horologium nocturnum or nocturlabe, it is closely related to the sun dial." she explained.
“Very good Raven. 3 points to Slytherin. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by EW_FAN View Post
Harvey nervousily raised his hand... "Is it something that would be used at night? We just looked at an instrument that would be used during the day.. so maybe this one would be used at night.. for the same purpose maybe.." he answered the question.. hoping that he was somewhat correct.
“Good reasoning Harvey… 3 points. The nocturnal is a nighttime version of the sundial but uses the stars and not the sun to work.” Professor Roslund explained.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
"Well sir, if you are out in the wild, you could find a clear, open area then set stones in a circle in roughly the positons of the numbers on a clock. Next you would take a tall, thick branch (as straight as you could find) and then stick it in the center pointing at the sky. The shadow should then point towards roughly the hour."
Yeah that should work. He hadn't done it though.
After sort of freaking out about his explination of building a rough sundail, the Gryffindor took a look at the new item the Astronomy Professor had brought out to show them. "My guess would be it was some sort of nocturnal device for some sort of astrological use." Meaning stars.
He had never seen one and Auggie didn't have the foggiest as to what it would do.
“It might actually work August. I shall test it out on a clear day unless you want to? Also you are correct it’s a sundial 3 points for that knowledge.” Edvard said scribbling some more on his parchment. Maybe Fina would join him for the attempt? She needed to get out more anyway.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua View Post
Zhenya took a close look at the object, and frowned. Hmm... she had seen it at her grandparents house... yes, but wasn't 100% sure about the use of it. Anyway, not to matter, she raised her hand and said "Professor... that's a nocturnal, a type of instrument used during the night. I think it's similar to the Sundial but instead of requiring the positioning of the sun, the nocturnal requites a position of a star to determine the time," she said. Then she had some other information, "It's a good instrument to use during navigation. But Professor, with this instrument does it work on a certain star, or can it work on any star?" she asked.
“Very good Zhenya. 3 points to Slythern. It’s a nocturnal instrument. It can work on any star yes but the most common reference stars are the big and little dipper and the North star.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
He raised his hand as he replied "Professor, its called a Nocturnal, and just as Sun dials are used to tell time during the day with the help of the sun, Nocturnals are used to tell time at night with the help of using the North Star as its main reference point, along with other stars in the Big dipper or the Little dipper. Mariners use these most often along with their other navigation tools, since they plot out the course of their travels even at night. "
“Very good Vickers. 3 points to Ravenclaw. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by iceblossom22 View Post
Elise nodded, taking more notes before looking up to see what it was that Professor Roslund was showing the class. A night-time instrument thingy. Noct... Noct-something. Nocturnal.
"It's a Nocturnal, professor. It's used to determine time, much like a sundial, but only at night. It uses the North Star as a reference point and is a navigational instrument too."
“Very good Elise. 3 points to Ravenclaw. It’s a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard responded.

Originally Posted by sevensnared View Post
Another instrument was to identify. Hades gazed at it for long, then mused into his own thoughts as he tried to recall the item. "I've seen it before, but where?" the Slytherin mumbled to himself, shrugging his head. Several more mumblings and he shut and opened his eyes for a few time before he remembered what it was. "It's a nocturnal. I think it's used to determine time too, but using the position of stars at night time," that he didn't know how to use.
“Very good Hades. 3 points to Hufflepuff. It’s is correctly a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post
Messer smiled widely when Professor Roslund gave points for his answer. Then the Professor put back the sun dial and held up a new object. His eyes automatically went to the object. Oh he know that one. Messer raised his hand up in the air "Its a Nocturnal, Sir. Its a portable instrumentused to determine the time based on the position of a certain star in the night sky. The nocturnal is an instrument developed for use by sailors who noticed that the northern stars appeared to rotate around the Pole Star." Speaking of Pole Star he felt a little deja vu.
“Very good Messer. 3 points to Hufflepuff. Its indeed a nocturnal instrument which was developed for use by sailors and fishermen.” Edvard said.

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura looked at the Professor. "It's a clock that someone made wrong, you see it suppost to have number all the way around and also the thing that points to the numbers is suppost to be small and there are suppost to be two of them." Laura sighed. "Professor if I was you I'd go ask for my money back, that's just rubbish workmanship there." Laura looked at the Professor.
“No on the contrary Laura. The instrument is supposed to look like this it’s called a nocturnal and is used to tell time at night via the stars.” Professor Roslund explained.
Originally Posted by cheeseStrings View Post
"It, err, a time measureing device, right?" Well that was just plain obvious. "Is it a calendar, or a clock that doesn't uses sunlight to determine the time?"
“Yes you are on the right track Janice it’s a time measuring device. Its called Nocturnal and is a nighttime version of the sundial. 2 points.” He commented
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
"It's a Nocturnal, Professor," Jory said raising his hand after taking a good look at the object. "It's used during the night instead to tell time by using a particular star as a reference point.''
“Very good Jory. 3 points to Hufflepuff. It’s indeed a nocturnal instrument.” Edvard said.
Originally Posted by affy7ann View Post
"It looks like some sort of compass..." Tayla began as she raised her hand. "But I think it' armillary sphere. It was developed after the gnomon, a less accurate instrument. The armillary sphere is one of the most accurate sundials. They extend observations to the stars and the sun."
“It does look like a compass Tayla. It’s called a nocturnal and is used for telling time like the sundial but is used at night and uses the starts positions for accurately giving the right time not the sun.” Edvard said.

Turning to address the whole class Professor Roslund started his lecture "The object in my hand is as most of you have correctly stated a Nocturnal instrument. The latin name for it as some of you have given is horologium nocturnum it can also be called nocturlabe."

"The nocturnal is an instrument used to determine the time based on the position of a certain star in the night sky. The referance stars sailor use are often the North star, the big and small dippers. The nocturnal is most commonly used as navigational instrument since on the sea its important to be able to calculate tides."

"The instrument can be constructed from wood or brass. The outer disc/layer has the months of the year and an inner disc with hours and in some cases half hours even. It will also have a pointer rotating on axis as the discs. The axis or pointer has a hollow in the middle to allow for a star to be sighted through it."

Looking down at his watch for a moment he nodded to himself and then looked up at his students "It’s getting late so we shall jump to the last portion of tonight. I hope you all brought along your telescopes?"

Edvard waited a moment and then continued as the students extracted telescopes from their bags. "We are going to star gaze but not for stars but balloons located on the grounds. So set up your telescopes and get to work!"


OOC Rules: There are 42 balloons floating around the grounds. Your task is to use your telescope to spot them. Balloons are hidden in posts within the school grounds. In order to have your character spot a balloon, you must QUOTE that post and link directly to it. You may only spot ONE balloon per post and once a balloon has been spotted, it will no longer count so you should be careful not to quote or post spotting one that has already been posted in the lesson. If your post contains more than one balloon or a balloon that has already been spotted, it won't earn you any points.

Example of how a correctly spotted balloon post should look like:

Originally Posted by Ballon spotting

Edvard stuck his eye to the lens and began his search. Searches, searches 'Oh i see one'. "I see an X balloon professor." (You will of course add more text/RP than this)

Originally Posted by Gabrielle View Post
"Here, you can read it if you want." Glenn said, chucking the letter to Sophie, "My dad was in Gryffindor and my mum's a muggle. How about your parents?" Glenn watched as Sophie read the letter, "That's a nickname, my brother gave it to me." She blushed and busied herself with watching an inquisitive little panda topiary, creeping towards where they were sitting.
Topiary Garden, Page 30, post # 735
Balloons may be found in any of the following threads:

The Topiary Garden
The Front Gate
The Whomping Willow
The Lake
The Corridor To The Courtyard
The Duck Pond
The Pathways
The Courtyard
The Vegetable Patch

More rules:

- Each student can find/spot a maximum of 5 balloons each to give everyone a chance to take part.
- NO double posting. Double posts will be deleted and will not give you any points or count as a balloon being spotted.
- The floating balloons are pictures/balloon gifs in peoples posts.
- House balloons are more valuable than the generic ones.
- When you quote a balloon post also add info on in what thread, page and the post number where the balloon was found. + important RP your charrie spotting the balloon with their telescope.
- Don't panic, Have Fun!
- I'll post point results at the end of the game.

Last edited by Nordic Witch; 01-26-2012 at 07:00 PM.
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