Originally Posted by
Devina Wellheart
Justin nearly fell over at her question. " Yeah, a crazy girl did it to me." he said playing along with her funny line of questioning.
Minerva smiled at him. This was fun. She took the bandage and put it ont he second fake place. She shook her head. "Well I think if you show me who did this a new hair color might be in order." she chuckled. "Ok the bleeding as stopped on this arm, so now let's put pressure on this one. hmmmm" she got a serious look on her face. "I wonder if you could make silly bandages. In the muggle world we have bandages that look like fun cartoons. I could see a nice Yo Gabba Gabba or Dora on your cheek to cover that injury." she laughed at the image knowing he would have no clue what those kids shows were, the only reason she did was because of her brother. "Anyway" she smiled and pointed her wand "Inurio Bani" another bandage came out. This was getting easier the more she practiced. "Now hold still this mind sting a bit." why would it sting she thought to herself it's just a bandage. She placed the bandage on the third and final make up place across his cheek. "No Justin please stay away from crazy girls.. It is for your own health." she laughed "Didn't know bookworms were so much fun did you?" she held the bandage as if giving pressure to it and then let go taking off her gloves. "Ok my turn to play the injured."