SPOILER!!: Ella and Alyssa
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"Well all I can say is that you have more confidence of my abilities than I do but thanks for saying that."Alyssa smiled back at him. Then she heard about his not being allowed to play and his wanting to form his own cheer team. She wondered whether his ban had anything to do with what happened to him last Summer. She had totally forgotten to ask him about that but reminded herself to ask him about that.
"Hey that would sound great. I know the team would love the support at each game. You should team up with Aaron. He always comes up with the funniest costumes to wear as the house mascot. I bet you'll do great as the leader of the cheer team, Oakey."Alyssa encouraged him. She knew that Aaron and he would get along really good.
"Hi everyone. Isn't it weird that there are most Hufflepuff students here than either Gryffindor or Slytherin?"Alyssa laughed looking around at the other students on the stands.
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Ella followed the older hufflepuff's gaze and noted how many Hufflepuffs were in the stands for a match not even involving them. She laughed at how odd that was. "It is pretty weird...guess we Hufflepuffs just have more spirit, right?"
Aaron who? He asked Alyssa. It would even better if their was an official Hufflepuff Cheer TEAM and if he could meet this Mascot of theirs it would truly be the greatest team up.
He laughed some more when Ella also noticed the lack of other houses at this match and even more when Alyssa noticed it as well.
If we keep this up house points will fall into our laps Oakey jested.
Go! SLYTHERDOR! GO! GRYFFERINS! that was a clever way to combine the competing teams.