100 Drabbles for a Mischievous Nickname User - Sa13+ Hullo everyone I'm Beth and this is my first set of drabbles about my Hogwarts charrie, Glenn. Disclaimer: I have never and will never own the world of Harry Potter. The universe I am writing in belongs solely J.K Rowling. Prompts 4/100 50. Ahh! A Boggart Glenn, age 7
Home A rattling noise came from the cupboard, it was night-time everything was scarier after dark.
Glenn drew her covers up to her nose and let out a frightened squeak. The noises continued and as frightened Glenn was she still wanted sleep. She mustered up the courage and slipped out of bed.
She crept up to the cupboard and opened the door and fell back, terrified. A giant clown sprung out at her. “Thomas!” She screamed, sobbing as it stood there.
Her brother came running into the room and banished it. He received a warning for underage magic the next day. |