Originally Posted by
cheeseStrings "Oh."
Janice took a sip from her soda can before answering Liz.
"I watched this long ago and I forgot most of the storyline. But I still remember that it's hillarious and very touching."
Originally Posted by
FireboltAvis88 "Yes it was funny especially when he goes to work with the Store Santa. I've watched this movie so many times that I can even remember parts of the dialogue. Of course the touching part was at the end." Alyssa laughed.
It was time for movie number three. He had liked the first one, but the second on was just weird. Is that really what Muggles thought of witches and wizards? He sincerely hoped not.
So what will we be viewing today? he wondered.
Probably something to do with Christmas.
He grabbed his now-traditional popcorn bucket and went to find a seat. He spotted two of his teammates and decided to sit with them.
Hullo, teammates! Mind if your Captain sits down with you?"
Maybe they would be getting enough of him in practice. It was completely possible that they just wanted to hang out by themselves. And he wouldn't be offended by that.