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Nordic Witch Curious he asked “How Beatrice can a sundial be useful in the ongoing modernization?”
Putting the sun dials back down into its box he picked up a new object and held it up to the class.
"Lets move on. Does anyone know what this object is and what it might be used for?"[/color]
Hmm.. How can a sundial be used in the ongoing modernization? Putting her hands together, she answered,
"Well Professor, first and foremost we all know that it helps us determine the time based on the position of the Sun. However nowadays, especially in the Muggle world, more advanced instruments are available for the same use such as watches," she held her watch in front of her,
"and clocks. Although this may give us the time, it does not tell us what the time really is in a certain time of the day. I mean, if the watch wasn't set beforehand and there isn't any device around that would tell you the time then you still won't know the time. Also, sundials could help us determine the day of the year." Did that answer the question? She hoped so.
Then a new object. What was it?
Beezus thought for a moment. She had seen that instrument on her grandmother's backyard.
"I believe that's a nocturnal instrument Professor," she said after raising her hand.
"And in contrast to the sundial, it's used to determine time based on the position of a certain star in the sky."