½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf Well done young Lions. Even if the odds may be against us, we DO have HOPE. A HUGE congratulations and a pat on the back to our TOP FIVE students, their miraculous efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Though things may look bleak in fourth place, KNOW that there is room for change. Our top five are kicking the gravy juice out of the top five students of the other houses. And TOGETHER, UNITED, WE can make a difference!
Kudos goes out to:
sweetpinkpixie - 167
HOPEendures - 121
Macavity - 107
nups21 - 92
fanficfanatict - 90
Getting frustrated? Are you doing all that you can do? ... don't have enough time to be attending classes? Codswallop! YOU can do it, set aside a little time each day to keep up with your studies. After all Gryffindor's are much more than predators and mischief makers. We are strong, brave, intelligent, ambitious, loyal subjects... and so much more than that. It's about time the rest of school heard our voices, heard our roars, and feared us. WHO ARE WE FIGHTING FOR?! GRYFFINDOR! OOC: Herbology Homework! DO IT! I will personally lick those of you that haven't.. thanks. Also I know we all lead busy lives, but it only takes 5 minutes to post in a lesson. So instead of hanging out in the SH or WWW, why not do something for YOUR house, and do it with pride. WE MUST UNITE, DIVIDE AND CONQUER! ROOOOAAARRRR! ...... and don't forget to exchange your fandango tokens for house points!
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