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Old 01-24-2012, 02:28 PM   #9 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Danzipants View Post
To be honest, the OSCARS never really recognize sci-fi movies. It's always been that way and no one knows why. They should just have a separate sci-fi film awards connected to the OSCARS or have different categories for it. Same with Lord Of The Rings, X-MEN, Thor, and a lot of those movies NEVER get nominated.

It's sad but true but to get SOMETHING is a good sign because I was looking for them to get nothing...however, I do think they should get an honorary award and J.K. Rowling should accept it since she did help bring back the magic of the movies and saved the film industry for a decade.
LOTR got a ton of nominations - and WON, including best picture - when they were released.
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