Ira skipped into the classroom and was suddenly rock-still at the door. o__O What was this? Merlins! Had she even come to the right classroom? Then she saw the new professor of Runes sitting on... grass? Ira hoped her mind wasn't playing games with her!
It looked beautiful! The tree, the fountains, the grass, Ira was loving it. She came inside the classroom and wondered where they were going to sit. On the grass? Seriously? Wow!
Hello Professor.." Oops! Ira had forgotten the new professor's name already! "
Good Morning!" she greeted him, as she too went and sat on the grass, but before that made sure to take a sticker and wrote the details:
Name: Ira Wilson
House: Gryffindor
Year: 2nd
Then taking the sticker, she stuck it onto her robes.