Ancient Runes Lesson 1 As you enter the classroom, the first thing that you will notice is that this is no ordinary classroom. There are no desks, nor are there chairs but soft springy grass and a very large tree in the centre of the room.
In the back corner of the room is a small water fountain. The gentle sounds of trickling water has a very calming feel, but please make sure you go to the loo before coming to class. Also you will notice dotted around the room large stone structures with strange looking inscriptions carved into them.
The room is light and airy thanks to the drapes being opened allowing sunlight to filter through the windows and a gentle breeze is flowing through one of the opened windows.
Professor Jenkins is seated on the grass with his back against the trunk of the tree, casually flipping through a magazine. He lazily flicks his wand at the door and it springs open allowing the students to file in.
“Come in and find yourselves a spot on the grass and park your bums.” he said with a small chuckle. Oliver pointed to a pile of stickers a couple of feet from his right. “Could you also please take a sticker and write your name and house on it and stick it onto your robes.” That would make life easier for him. ooc: Class won’t be starting for approximately twelve hours. Please just post your charrie arriving and following the Professor's instructions. Also please keep chatting to a minimum or points will be lost
CLASS HAS STARTED!! Please do not announce your late arrival. Pretend your character has been here the whole time. Why do we study Ancient Runes? What does the word 'rune' mean? What do we know about the Elder Futhark? Name one rune of the Elder Futhark. Rune meanings? |