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What was with the sudden interest in speaking like her? And the apparent inability to do as she asked. "That's nice. I grew up in Bulgaria, but that is beside the point. I had asked you to stop." Nicely, of course. As usual. Looking down at the parchment, she held it up, reading over the first line again. "I'm afraid you're going to have to re-write this, Miss Hyde. You can be a bit more descriptive on it as vell as staying on topic. I know you aren't incapable of writing a few more lines, and in normal English."
Laura looked at the Professor. "That is nice Professor." Laura smiled as she looked at the Professor seriously her accent was so funny, well anyway Laura would stop like she had been told. "What's it like in Bulgaria, do you miss it at all?" Laura asked before suddenly she reaised something, the Professor wanted her to do that summory again. "Professor you asked for one sentance that is one sentance and you didn't say what language you wanted it in." Laura stared at the professor. "I won't do it again, because I've done it once."