Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Professor and smiled before speaking. "Vos I vot suppost vo do it in that accent." Laura sighed as she looked at the Professor. "I just thought it would be cool to learn another accent Professor and so I did it in that one." Laura smiled before looking away from the Professor.
Laura looked around the room before turning back towards the Professor, seriously she hadn't said she couldn't do it in another accent. "Professor you didn't say I had to write it in English and so I thought it would be interesting to write it in another accent, and your seems cool." Laura quickly hugged the Professor, she seemed stressful as if she needed a hug. "There we go Professor, can I go now?" ...
She had no idea what the girl just said.
Wait, this was supposed to sound like her? Her? For the love of Merlin, did she really sound like this? Medea was a bit too bewildered to answer the girl right away. Especially after that random hug she just received. "Okay. Here's the thing...Laura. As creative as that vos..." How could a first year make her self conscious with speaking now? "Please don't."
...Or choose another accent. |