Originally Posted by
jujune29th Sophie glanced at Carigan's hand and made a disgusted face, but didn't let her friend see it. She looked up at Carigan's eyes. "Maybe you're having some sort of allergic reaction." Sophie had seen some of this things before when her cousin got too close to one of her mum's tiny plants. His whole arm became red in just a few seconds. Funny how such small things can make such big damage. Sophie just didn't know what that plant was nor how her cousin was cured, but it hadn't been a pretty sight either. "But don't worry, Healer Tillstorm will know what to do." she smiled at her friend.
Carigan nodded.
"It hurts a lot... but I feel bad saying that with everyone else who's here..." Carigan said, a tear running down her face. She rubbed her burnt hand with the left and hissed at the pain. Looking down again the burn was still spreading, nearly covering her entire right hand now.