Originally Posted by
Edward Penguin
He watched as she reacted to his proposal. There had to be something more than what was offered at the table. Some scrumptios morsels prepared by the cooks. "I don't know really? I haven't tried it yet. But it does seem like a good idea." He glanced over again at the offerings on the tables. He liked fruit and breads and pastries, but he'd really like to know if they had some meat pies and chips.
He laughed as she clutched at her chest and feigned indignation. Her response was priceless and brought joy to Ian's heart. The first real joy he'd had since he got here. "Well, I suppose now I'll know that if we're near a stove that I should be close to one as well." He smiled as widely as he had in a long time.
Ella smiled, her mind set on going to investigate the kitchens.
"Well, I'm in then! I have to stop by the girl's dormitory to drop off my bag but I can meet you down there!" She held up her messenger bag, her arm straining with the weight. She had insisted on carrying several books with her at all times in case she was up for some light reading. Now she was regretting the heavy load and couldn't wait to rid herself of the bag and its contents. She plopped it down on the bench with a sigh.
"It's my own fault for carrying around so much stuff!"
Ian seemed quite keen on teasing Ella about her lack of skills in the kitchen and she was quite amused by their current banter. She shoved him playfully and stood, heaving her bag over her shoulder.
"Yeah yeah, if you fancy your life, I'd be close to the exits at all times!" She winked at him and started for the door. Turning around before she got too far away she called to Ian,
"Meet me at the kitchens then? I'll be there soon!"