"a wound. Does anyone know what we'd do to stop the bleeding? In terms of first aid?"
Zhenya tried to remember what she had learned from those text books of her dads... As an aspiring Healer herself, she had tried to study like him. She raised her hand and said, "Madame the first thing is to apply pressure to the wound. From what I understand... it stops blood from coming out of the wound which encourages it to clot, and also it prevents bruising - not that that would be much of a worry. Then once that has settled, to protect the new clot, the best thing is to cover it up with some ointment of some kind and a clean patch of some kind with some tape holding it down. Like a bandaid! And then if it's big enough, cover it with a bandage to protect it from any further harm. It's weird how if you get a cut on one limb, it just seems like that limb is the one that will get bumped or something," she said. Maybe it was just her? She was having a great time in this Seminar, maybe they should make it a subject at school.