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Old 01-23-2012, 09:18 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Olympia Emmeline Abraham
Third Year
Gryffie♥ | Disney DORK | Brittana | Mrs Kellan Lutz | I like Your Moves!

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi sighed softly. There really was no beating around the bush anymore. For the three of them, the issue that was looming over their heads was the dragon in the room that the Groundskeeper was blissfully unaware of. Kurumi looked at Daichi and then to Thea, trying to convey with her eyes that she was not about to rat them out, but more put all the chocolate frog cards on the table so that their conversation could go more smoothly.

"The truth is, sir," Kurumi said softly, her voice surprisingly steady. "I was walking by the duck pond when I saw Daichi and Thea attempting to catch a duck. I know these two well enough to be able to say in confidence that they were not trying to cause the ducks any harm." But had managed to send the ducks into a panic. A small detail that needn't be explained right now. "Which is why I suggested that he come and speak to you about perhaps helping you take care of them, in a more natural setting." As opposed to the bathtub in the Slytherin common room for example.

As to his other question. "I have some hands on experience caring for fowl," Kurumi nodded. Mostly chickens at her grandmother's, but there were some geese from time to time. "And...I would be willing to be an extra set of eyes and hands." Assuming that they could help with the ducks.
Ah. Really? Thea raised her eyebrows and just looked at Kurumi. Turning away, she sort of face palmed. Brilliant. Settin a scowl on her face, Thea honestly didn't know what to say. she didn't even look at Daichi.
did she know how to look after ducks? Well no.. and why would she need to?! This was Daichi who wanted to help with them. The Gryffindor resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Folding her arms, she looked around the cabin for something to do.

'I agreed to help him because he's a friend.' Thea shrugged. 'I'm only here because he apparently wanted me to come.. Also, no I don't know how to look after ducks. I wouldn't want a duck..' Thea shrugged and sort of smiled apologetically.
A golden heart stopped beating, working hands went to rest.

He broke many hearts to prove to us, he only takes the best♥
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