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Old 01-23-2012, 12:47 PM   #542 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Catching Kurumi's eye, Louisa's mouth twitched into a small smile. Unfortunately, Louisa's rather blatant hint got dismissed BUT Kurumi's subtle one was approved. It still didn't verify what the two girls were thinking about... well, what Louisa thought Kurumi was thinking about.

Taking a biscuit from the plate, the Ravenclaw was about to bid goodbyes to the rather moody professor and leave when she saw Kurumi talking to her. Quickly, she loped over to them and was all ears. Bringing the biscuit up to her mouth, she took a bite while listening to Kurumi, expecting something crunchy and sweet to dissolve in her mouth but... O__O "Errr... are those... barbecue biscuits, professor?" She gave the one in her hand a skeptical look. Kurumi might identify the problem, the girl had probably more cookies than books in her trunk. It was a criticize though, the girl was one heck of a smart kid. Pity it wasn't a Ravvie.
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