Zhenya smiled at Glenn, "Yeah pretty up to date. I haven't started Arithmancy, but I've done all the others so far - how about you? How are you enjoying this year?
Zhenya smiled at Alyssa as she came to join them all. "Oh, I don't mind. I just hope I don't talk too much during the movie," she said. She had never quite grasped the fact that they had to remain silent when the movie played.
What if it was a really good part? What if it sparked a great discussion??
She took a small handful of Alyssa's popcorn and compared it to hers. Well it was definitely tastier! And nice and buttery - Zhenya loved butter popcorn. "mmm! Good popcorn taste," she said.
Both of you!
"Please help yourself to my food, too," Zhenya said, indicating her lollies.
"I haven't seen this movie yet... I've seen a few muggle movies, you know - mum likes to test them on me before she shows them at school, but not this one. Actually I haven't watched many christmas movies. I'm really interested in it though."