There, he had stayed up all night working on this six line of parchment the evil woman had assigned him. He hoped she was happy because he wasn't. He was tired and had to read through not one but three text books. He was sure he was done for the rest of the year.
He dropped his assignment in the mailbox and quickly walked away. Didn't want her popping up and asking him about the spells he was suppose to be practicing.
SPOILER!!: assignment
The difference between Charms and Transfiguration
A charm is a spell that you put on a selected object to change what the object does or how it behaves. Transfiguration though seemingly similar to charms changes the core appearance of the object. Another notable difference between the two is the fact that with transfiguration you can seemingly conjure something from thin air, while with charms an object is usually needed to perform a spell on. Some examples of charms are; hover charm, cheering charm and the engorgement charm. All these alter the behaviour of an object in some way. Examples of transfiguration spells are; Avis, Duro, lapifors and the match to needle spell.