Right. Example time. "So ... two days ago, on the 15th of the month, my Personal Day number was ONE. Which for those of you who don't know, a one personal day number is significant to being a day to begin things and to focus on oneself. I bring this up because it just so happens that my soul urge number is also one. So what did this mean for myself, two days ago?"
After consulting her text book, Ella raised her hand hesitantly. She wasn't quite sure how to put this.
"Well since both have to do with you focusing on-well, you...does this mean that on that particular day you were, well..." Ella closed her eyes, not wanting to meet the professors gaze.
"...acting self centered?" Ella opened her eyes wide and tried to make it sound better somehow.
"Not that I think you're self-centered, Professor!" She decided it was best that she stop talking and she looked down at the table.