Homework Post #3 Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Now, it was time for take two on just the picture frame. Ellie wanted to perfect that before she tried transforming the frame to go over her picture. Twirling the pencil between her fingers, Ellie stared at her sketched picture frame, trying to think of how to improve the transformation.
It had turned out more boxy than she would have hoped. So maybe... instead of tracing around the paper, she should trace around the oval frame? Hm. Sure, it was worth a shot.
Ellie put her wand to the paper, traced around the drawing of the oval frame and said, "Statua Habitum."
The paper immediately transformed into her unique and ornate oval shaped picture frame. Ellie squeed a little bit with a huge grin. It worked! "Reverto," she said and the frame returned to it's paper state. Now she just had to put her picture in it and do it again.