"Alright then, before we go, let's have a small discussion about the game. You can just stand wherever you are or have a seat on the floor..." whichever. This wasn't anything terribly formal where they needed to move the desks and chairs back for. "In calculating a new personal Day number, did you notice any sorts of patterns among the numbers?" Preferably something she may or may not have pointed out earlier in the lesson.
Ella took a seat on the floor, smiling happily. She had really enjoyed the game because it allowed her to practice as well as meet some new classmates. Ella raised her hand after hearing the question.
"Well Professor, I noticed that there are multiple choices when trying to get to the same personal day number. For example, when I was trying to be an 8, I could use October 9th or October 27th." She put her hand down, not sure if that was what the Professor meant by